Friedman Plastic Surgery
David J. Friedman, M.D. is a highly sought after plastic surgeon located on Park Avenue in New York City. He has been in practice for over 25 years, and his success is largely in part due to his skill and continuous stream of referrals for more than two decades.
When Dr. Friedman approached Touchpoint, he was looking for help with not only his website but almost all patient touchpoints including in-office technology and social media.
We were able to provide a complete overhaul of Dr. Friedman's brand and end-to-end patient experience using innovative tools and strategies to create a seamless patient journey.
Practice Rebrand
New Responsive Website
ADA Accessible Website
Before & After Galleries
Service Catalog
Restructured SEO
Digitized Forms
Social Media Management
Upgraded In-Office Technology
Dr. Friedman came to Touchpoint with a desire to revamp his entire practice from the ground up, and this started by developing a strong brand.
We decided best to stay true to his name and keep "Friedman" front and center, since his success had been built off referrals.
The emphasis in his brand would be on his stunning results, and would be driven by rich visual that show what Friedman Plastic Surgery can do for patients with varying aesthetic and cosmetic goals.
While patient referrals will always be an important part of Dr. Friedman's practice, we knew that an effective SEM strategy can help take his growth to the next level.
By focusing on highly targeted Google Ads campaigns we were able to take a reasonable ad budget and drive dozens of new, highly qualified leads to the practice each month.
Without any social media presence prior to approaching Touchpoint, there was an untapped opportunity for Dr. Friedman and his practice to capitalize on the growing audience on social media.
By putting an emphasis on Instagram we were able to take a visual approach to our social media strategy.
With a modern feel
Tapping a pool of potential patients
Through more efficient and effective tools
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